I woke up on Saturday morning pretty sure how my day was going to go. I was going to get up, grab the one pinkish shirt I had, put it on, and go see the Barbie movie with my partner - what about it?
Yeah… I didn’t have to go. I didn’t have to wear that pink shirt either, but I did. I made sure I unzipped my jacket too so everyone could see it. That’s right, I went and saw that Barbie movie with my whole ass - what about it?
Laughed? Of course, I laughed. Did you see that scene with the Kens? The one where he said hello to the other Kens? It was hilarious. And when they ended up living their lives for horses and bitchin’ furs, I laughed so hard I wasn’t sure I was going to come back. That’s right, I did go and see that Barbie movie - what about it?
Did I feel those same feelings about the lack of feminism in this somehow still mostly feminist film? Apparently, director Greta Gerwig seems to be making a habit out of making feminist movies for companies run by men. I only know that because YouTube told me. I tend to only trust YouTube when feminists they say things about feminists. Am I a feminist? You bet I am! I just leave all the parts women should talk about to them as I agree hartily from the side, but I did go and see Barbie in my pink shirt - what about it?
Did I love the Barbie movie? You bet I did. I laughed when I was meant to laugh and I may have even teared up at the end, but don’t tell anyone. I could feel Ken’s struggle to go out into the world alone and find Kenself. I’ve been there too, Ken. No matter how hard you have to work, you can’t pretend that cool metal-looking writing and Matchbox 20 will bring you out of it. Sometimes, we have to do the hard work. That hard work finds us watching the Barbie movie and asking anyone who asks - what about it?
So… What about it?
Go see Barbie. Block out all that negative internet speak, and conservatvie paling around, and go enjoy a cool movie with some great dance scenes, directed by someone who knows what they’re doing, that stars Will Ferrell as the CEO of Mattel. He always gets to go first at everything which probably included watching the Barbie movie before any of us did just like the real CEO of Mattel. I wonder the real CEO wore pink to his debut? Regardless of if he did or didn’t… what about it?
You on the other hand should just go and watch Barbie!